LADY FROM L.U.S.T. MISSION #22 - Maracaibo Affair

This is the entire scanned copy made available to read online.

Written by Gardner F Fox in 1975 under the pseudonym Rod Gray.

Vintage Sleaze Paperback - Maracaibo Affair is Eve's 22nd mission—sent to Venezuela to protect El Carnicero, The Butcher, from a vengeance she feels he richly deserves. Long ago, El Carnicero appropriated an oil baron's rich lands, had raped his wife and daughter, gouged out the eyes of one son, disfigured another, and burned the baron alive.

182 pages long. Use the arrows < > on either side of the page to flip to the next page and back.

The Mobi eBook and the New Edition rePrint are available.

Lady from L.U.S.T. BUNDLE