Moll Flanders

This is the entire scanned copy made available to read online for free.

Written by Daniel Defoe in 1963 (Originally 1722).

English Historical Fiction vintage paperback - Written in the form of a deceptively realistic autobiography, MOLL FLANDERS relates with outspoken candor its heroine's bizarre fortunes. Moll's full and adventurous life embraces a gamut of human depravities that range from prostitution and adultery to bigamy and incest.


 Audiobook format: MP3

Runtime: 00:06:23 minutes

Read by Angelica Stevens


335 pages long. Use the arrows < > on either side of the page to flip to the next page and back.

This link will take you to the Part 2 Section to finish reading this story…

Mr. Fox wrote a historical fiction novel with another famous fiery female protagonist.

Belle Boyd: She Wouldn’t Surrender

She Wouldn’t Surrender takes place during the American Civil War. To the South, Belle Boyd was a daring, resourceful girl who always managed to get through the enemy lines with the information the Confederacy needed.

Follow this link to read the entire novel or click the cover below

Other Historical Fiction written by Gardner F Fox.