Catherine the Great Historical Fiction New Edition rePrint - 044

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Catherine the Great Historical Fiction New Edition rePrint - 044


Genre: Russia / Historical Romance Fiction

Written under the pseudonym, Kevin Mathews.

US Trade (6 x 9 in / 152 x 229 mm), Standard Black & White, 60# White, Paperback, Glossy Cover

Originally printed in 1964.

TSARINA as a woman, irresistible and insatiable ... as an empress, as cruel and sadistic as any of the hotblooded Cossacks she commanded.

TSARINA married at sixteen into the royal household, she became an adulteress on her wedding night with the assistance of her husband's bodyguard.

TSARINA climbing to the throne over the bodies of the men she destroyed either on a bloodied battlefield or a scented boudoir.

TSARINA masking her identity, amusing herself by indulging in erotic experiments in the mud huts of the small villages where her army quartered its prostitutes.

TSARINA naked to the waist, blonde hair streaming, she challenged a rival in love to a duel to the death before the awed gazes of her fierce warriors.

TSARINA personally selecting and privately sampling the brawny, virile young guardsmen who were forced to obey her commands and cater to her whims.

Transcribed by Kurt Brugel & Douglas Vanaugh - 2020

Scratchboard book cover illustration by Kurt Brugel

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