Madame Buccaneer - Large Print version

001 Madame Buccaneer LRG PRT cover WEB-min.jpg
Madame Buccaneer 001 Fin-min.jpg
001 Madame Buccaneer LRG PRT cover WEB-min.jpg
Madame Buccaneer 001 Fin-min.jpg

Madame Buccaneer - Large Print version


This is a 16 pt font LARGE PRINT book.

Pages 256

Binding Perfect-bound Paperback

Interior Ink Black & white

Weight 0.38 lbs.

Dimensions (inches) 6 wide x 9 tall

Dead or alive the Spanish hidalgos wanted them, the fiery, beautiful Lizzie Hollister and Martin Chandos, the renegade Irishman. Their magic seamanship and gallant swords had cut a bloody swath across the deeps of the Spanish Main. Lizzie, the English beauty, alone was a tempestuous prize for the man who could catch and tame her. At their backs fought the galleon crew, a grim-faced cutthroat assembly, for whom kill and pillage were the laws of the sea and gold and jewels their rightful reward.

Transcribed by Kurt Brugel - 2017

Cover illustration by Kurt Brugel

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