Tidewater - Historical Romance New Edition rePrint 142

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Tidewater - Historical Romance New Edition rePrint 142


Genre: Historical Romance / Bodice Ripper

Written under the pseudonym, Margaret Maitland.

Originally printed in 1977.


Beautiful, red-haired Maggie Langdon came to Virginia as an indentured servant in the hold of a leaky ship sailing out of Dublin Bay. Brutalized by a drunken landowner who was above the law, flight to the Colonies was the only way out. Still in her teens when she left the poverty of her native Ireland, she was to be little better than a slave in Virginia. But Maggie Langdon had a dream. Some day, no matter what, she would be a lady, respected, and very rich. There was nothing she wouldn't do to make her dream come true. Nothing at all.

Transcribed by Kurt Brugel & Akiko K. - 2020

Scratchboard book cover illustration by Kurt Brugel

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